One Flesh
Marriage & Couples Ministry
Therefore shall a man leave his father and his mother, and shall cleave unto his wife: and they shall be one flesh.
Pastors Antwione and Carmen have been married for nearly thirty-years. Their marital values consist of LOVE, FOREVER, & FRIENDSHIP. Not only have they been successfully married for more than twenty years but, they are best friends.
They firmly believe that one of the most challenging aspect of marriage is understanding and embracing your spouse culture i.e. how were they raised by their parents, how do they respond to difficulty and much more. Their purpose in assisting other in their marriage is listening, understanding, and encouraging struggling couples by God’s grace to save marriages, and repaired relationships.

Quote form Pastor Antwione: “One of the greatest manifestation of a fruitful marriage is when the husband & wife are laughing together and yet others don’t see what’s so funny”. “That’s Love”